Friday, December 27, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR & a Peek at What's Coming Up in 2014...

We want to wish you all a happy new year and thank you for your support. 
As always, we would love to grow our audience. If you know someone who'd dig the show, spread the word. Follow us on Twitter and RT often. Reviews on iTunes are a great way to get some more ears on what we're doing.

We have had a lot of fun doing the show and have lots of great things planned for the coming year:
  • In January we'll be joined by a listener to discuss their movie request: They Saved Hitler's Brain
  • In February we will be releasing our 1st video (vidcast) of a feature, Bloody Pit of Horror, with riffs included!
  • We're working on some contests and interactive games to make your experience even more rewarding

To get you psychotronic fans out there drooling for the coming months, here's a sneak peek at what's in store for the winter. Remember, you can always request films either here or through Twitter (@thats_trash).

a.k.a. Bloody Pit of Horror

Saturday, December 21, 2013


We have published our Christmas Evil episode. We had a blast talking about this movie and think you'll have one listening to it. Available on iTunes and on Libsyn.

Kyle noted that film has been packaged with many taglines:
You'd better take care...Santa is coming to town!
He'll sleigh you.
Better Watch Out... Better Not Cry... Or You May DIE! 
Post your own tagline in the comments, like good little boys & girls...
 Awright, you mooks, which one a you was getting down with Harry's mom?
Have happy & safe holidays. We'll see you back in here in a couple of weeks for Abby.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Coming in January...

After Christmas Evil, we'll be swooping back to 1977 for Abby, a blaxploitation rip-off of The Exorcist:  
When a minister's wife becomes posessed by Eshu, the Nigerian god of sexuality, an exorcist is called in to drive the evil spirit away. (Josiah Howard, "Blaxploitation Cinema: The Essential Reference Guide.") 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Eliminators podcast episode

The new episode has been published to iTunes and Libsyn.
Spread holiday to all those you hold dear: Tell them to watch Christmas Evil and check out the podcast (coming December 22nd). Turning them on to psychotronica is a great gift and it's free!

"S.P.O.T. has been dry-humping my shoulder since we got to Mexico"

Friday, December 6, 2013

You Better Watch Out!

We had so much fun doing a holiday-themed movie for Thanksgiving, we are going to keep it up for Christmas. Please watch the film John Waters calls the "greatest Christmas movie ever made." Nuff said, in my opinion, but in case you need more: "A psycho in a Santa suit gets to decide who's been naughty and who's been nice" - IMDB. This 1980 killer Santa movie pre-dates Silent Night, Deadly Night by about 4 years. Happy Holidays! Get it HERE!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...and next up!

We are happy to share our first holiday outing with you: Blood Freak
It is available on iTunes and here on our Archive page.

Next up:
1986's Eliminators

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

BLEEDING SKULL movie guide published

Super-trash site BLEEDING SKULL has published a film guide. It looks really nice and a glance at the The Video Dead review makes me think these guys are simpatico with us. I highly recommend everyone pick one up...and tell 'em "That's Cool, That's Trash!" sent you! Buy it HERE

Sunday, November 17, 2013

IT'S ALIVE! (1969 TV movie) episode & BLOOD FREAK

Matt's solo episode is all done and ready for listening. You can get it here or on iTunes.

Norman Sterns demands gas from Mr. Greeley/Greavey.

 Our monster...

As always, we appreciate any feedback you want to leave and hope you share the show with anyone you think would dig it.

Our Thanksgiving movie will be the 1972 Christian anti-drug film Blood Freak. Turkey day will NEVER be the same again.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Experiment in Terror: IT'S ALIVE (1969)

Hey, gang, we've got a little gap before our Thanksgiving episode (of course we're having a Thanksgiving episode! And trust me, it's not going to be Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, either, not by a long shot!). I thought I'd give the rest of the TCTT guys a break and try an experiment. I'll be doing a mini-episode all by my lonesome. I'll be reviewing this Larry Buchanan made-for-TV movie from 1969 that's plagued me for some time; I'll explain all on the episode.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mystics in Bali episode

Jason Farrell joins us in our discussion of this film on iTunes and on our Libsyn page. Enjoy! Feedback is much appreciated!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Halloween Treat for Our Friends

We'd like to thank all of our listeners for their support (extra-special thanks to those folks who've left reviews on iTunes and our Archive page!). While we're busy learning Leyak black magic for our Mystics in Bali episode, we'd like to give you a thank-you gift for watching some great trash with us these last few months. We humbly present a good movie to you all, the 2005 Japanese creep-fest Noiroi: The Curse.

Enjoy and have a safe and happy Halloween from the TCTT crew!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ep09 Burial Ground & The Crater Lake Monster

Matt, Joe, Kyle, & Scott discuss 2 films this time: Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) & The Crater Lake Monster (1977). Schisms are formed. Sides are taken. Available on iTunes or here.
Do these pants give me "mom butt," Yorick?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oh my golly! MYSTICS IN BALI

We kick November off with another delight from Indonesia, H. Tjut Djalil's Mystics in Bali. We won't spoil any of the fun, but will say "get ready for a wild ride." On this episode we will be joined by a guest from The Bookhouse Boys podcast, Jason Farrell.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Emergency Double Feature

Scott felt that Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (it's just one night, by the way) didn't have enough rotting meat on its Italian bones to fill a whole podcast, so he requested a double feature with The Crater Lake Monster (1977), or, as Matt likes to call it, "The Cracker Lake Monster."

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ep08 - The Stabilizer

Matt, Kyle, and Scott discuss Indonesian director Arizal's explosion-laden, fight-drenched, dubbed masterpiece The Stabilizer. Available through iTunes (leave us a review!) or on our Libsyn page (leave us a review!)

 This could tell us where to find the new episode!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Coming up for Halloween...

Now that we're Stabilized, we're moving on to a classic zombie film from Italy: Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (original title: Le Notti del Terrore, a.k.a. The Zombie Dead, a.k.a. Zombie 3). This film features ancient Etruscan zombies, some impressive make-up, and the greatest mother-son relationship in cinematic history. Enjoy the might and majesty of Peter Bark, the full-grown midget who plays a young boy. Crazy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

On deck...THE STABILIZER (1984)

Next at bat is the Indonesian action film starring New Zealand-born actor Peter O'Brian who plays Peter Goldson, a.k.a. The Stabilizer. He's an FBI agent who's sent to Thailand to retrieve a brilliant professor who has been captured by the drug lord Greg Rainmaker. Goldson and Rainmaker go way back. Goldson put a bullet in Rainmakers leg during a drug bust, and Rainmaker took revenge a little further by raping and killing his fiance. Now Goldson takes on Rainmaker's entire Golden Triangle gang in this action packed blockbuster with fighting, explosions and the Indonesian Mr. T!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dracula vs. Frankenstein episode is here!

We had a blast discussing this Al Adamson movie. We think you'll have a blast listening to it.
It's up on iTunes and available on our Archive page.

Pre-P.S.: This episode can now be found on our Libsyn page here.

P.S. Don't make the same mistake Scott did and watch the YouTube movie. That's a Euro movie with Paul Naschy's werewolf in it (a.k.a. Assignment: Terror). Watch the "real" movie here.

P.P.S. The original ending to the film!

P.P.P.S. At the end of this episode, we offered an antidote to Dracula vs. Frankenstein. It's called The Wolfman's Hammer. It's really good. That film can be found here.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


There will be a gap between our last episode and our next. Scott went to the 38th annual Van freakout, Kyle's walking his dog Chocolate, Joe's working on some new tunes on a farm in Canada, and I'm sewing animal heads onto other animals. Sometimes our hobbies get in the way of our other hobbies. We'll be back in a week or two for Dracula vs. Frankenstein. Stay trashy!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

SPOOKIES (1986) by request

We had a movie suggestion from a listener/supporter. Being eager to please, we have moved this film up to the top of our queue (right after Dracula vs. Frankenstein).
Ladies & Gentlemen, I am pleased to present SPOOKIES 

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant podcast

The episode is finally here! Joe, Kyle, and Matt discuss the movie and Scott phones his opinion in at the end.

EDIT: Now available on our Libsyn page HERE.

Available for download on our Archive page & on iTunes.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Waiting in the wings...DRACULA vs. FRANKENSTEIN

After we discuss The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant, our next group discussion will be about Al Adamson's 1971 Dracula vs. Frankenstein which is available on Hulu's movie page here.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant!

After Supervan, we'll be watching a bit of cinetrash from 1971 called The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant starring Bruce Dern, Pat Priest, Casey Kasem, & Albert Cole.


You've been asking, so here it is!
On this episode, Joe & Matt are joined by guest Dave Alluisi (writer, editor, podcaster, appreciater of nonsense) to talk about Jon-Mikl Thor's hard-rockin' Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare. The episode is available at the archive page and on iTunes.

EDIT: now available on our Libsyn page! HERE

Friday, July 26, 2013

Michael Weldon Interview from 2008

Weldon is the father of Psychotronicity (I made that up, but it's a word now, right?). His film and video guides were my gateway into the bizarre world of film that this podcast and blog celebrate. Here's an interview he did with Den of Geek way back in 2008. Enjoy!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thank you!

A big heartfelt thanks to the folks who have taken the time to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes. It's much appreciated. And to those of you who haven't done so, please review us on iTunes or our page. Thanks!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Watch Your Donkey...Smokey's Gonna Getcha!

After we have visited our '80s rock 'n' roll neighbors to the north, we're swinging things back around to the good old U.S. of A. Remember when fads blew up and then disappeared? Remember loving truckers and CBs? What about pet rocks, mood rings, beanbag chairs, man perms, and fondue parties? All great stuff that had its 15 minutes. Our next film focuses on another great American love story: vans...but not just any vans, custom vans. This movie will be a tasty little nugget to blaze on your computer.
P.S. Yes, this is Charles Bukowski wearing a t-shirt that reads "Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy"

You can watch the film HERE!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Well, we almost met our goal of making the episode shorter than the movie. We'll be re-formatting a bit for Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare to make sure the show is closer to an hour in length. The show is embedded in a player in this message, but can also be downloaded from Libsyn HERE and on iTunes. Happy listening and help spread the word by mouth, Twitter, or wherever you go. We appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Grab your bow and your quiver of arrows. Gather every mirror in the house. Snuggle up with a poodle named Chocolate and get ready for our podcast covering THE VIDEO DEAD! It will be published this weekend.

After that, we will have a special episode where we'll be joined by our friend Dave Alluisi to discuss Canucksploitation butt-rock extravaganza Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Re: VD

Are you ready? They're coming. Unplugging the TV won't help...

"I'm just about the best hope that y'all've got"

Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's time to talk "regularity"...

We are still determining how often we will do the show. I think monthly episodes are too infrequent. Someone else thought twice a month too much. So, we're starting off with a tri-weekly publishing date. Expect the next episode of the show in 2 weeks, folks. That should give you plenty of time to get through The Video Dead.

EDIT: We will probably release an episode every 2 weeks. There are plenty of folks who are champing at the bit to guest on the show and we're too addicted to these movies to stop!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Dragon Lives Again:
IMDB rating - 5.8 out of 10
Amazon rating: 3 out of 5

World, we beg to disagree.

This means it's almost 2 (IMDB) stars better than Ishtar, half a star worse than Spies Like Us & Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman, better than Earthquake, and JUST as good as Teen Wolf.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Next up: The Video Dead

Our next podcast will cover the 1987 direct-to-video film "The Video Dead"


Here it is!

Available at, iTunes, and our Libsyn page!)
What?! You haven't seen it yet?


You can follow us on Twitter @thats_trash
Hello! We have just wrapped up our first episode & will be publishing it soon. Join Matt, Joe, Kyle, and Scott as they discuss the 1977 Bruce-ploitation movie "The Dragon Lives Again" (a.k.a. "The Deadly Hands of Kung Fu" starring Bruce Leong.