Showing posts with label comedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comedy. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021


 We jumped at the chance to participate in the 3rd Hammer-Amicus Blogathon and chose something a little different: Amicus' 1st production from 1962...a musical comedy about the then-popular fad of digging 1920's traditional jazz music.
This was legendary director Richard Lester's (A Hard Day's Night, Help!) film debut. Thankfully, he was smart enough to pepper some pop stars in amongst the Dixieland. With guests Devin Bruce (Apocalypse Kow) and Jacob Balcom.

Check out the Blogathon HERE.







Sunday, December 15, 2019

The G-g-g-ghosts of TCTT Christmas Past

Our latest episode, Ep99 - Night Killer (1990), is not only our last 'regular' episode, but it's also the last Christmas episode. Yep, it's a movie set during Christmas and lest you think we're reaching, a Christmas gift plays a dramatic role in the story, so we're counting.
We've compiled the Christmas episodes we've done over the years here, to make them easy to find for our listeners who might need a diversion from 'family fun' this season. Happy Holidays to you and have a wonderful New Year! Thank you for listening. We have one finale episode left that will be the original TCTT crew* left to go. After that, we'll finish our Attack of the Mushroom People riff and give that away and then close up shop for the foreseeable future. Cheers!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The 2019 Halloween Episode Extravaganza!

IT'S HERE! Our final Halloween episode of the run and we've got a doozy. Joseph Dufresne, creator & host to TV and the Internet's Uncle Eerie Lee Shivers, joins us to talk about horror hosts of the past and today, Halloween annual must-watch classic films, and Mark (FEEDERS) Polonia's 2009 HALLOWEENIGHT.

on FACEBOOK on YouTube


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Weng Weng in D'Wild Wild Weng!

Matt is joined by Gordie Adams and Rolito Galagate to discuss D'Wild Wild Weng, a western comedy adventure starring the 2' 9" martial arts film star of the Philippines Weng Weng. Mr. Weng and Gordon are sent to the Mexican region of the Philippines to investigate the death of the mayor of Santa Monica, a town that has been taken over by the evil Sebastian and his horde of Mexican stereotypes along with Ku Manchu and his samurai (ninjas).


Gordie podcasts, too. Check out his Gordcast.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

GHOSTS OF HANLEY HOUSE part 3 of 3 - out now!

It's been a wile ride slogging through and riffing on this obscure Texas drive-in movie. I had a great time doing it but am definitely looking forward to another one soon with some friends to help carry the weight. I'm just happy I could prove Joe wrong. It WAS riffable. In your face, Joe!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

F.A.R.T.: The Movie

It's been quiet here this summer, huh? We're still high on Wings Hauser month. There are lots of irons in the fire and some great stuff coming down the pike, including a movie riff coming out in 3 parts as a vidcast: Ghosts of Hanley House In the meantime, Joe and Jason joined Matt and his wife Renee for some homemade chili and an endurance challenge: who will be the last to tap out during the SOV POS F.A.R.T.: The Movie? "Russell has two passions: watching television and farting! He also loves Heather. Heather HATES farting. The eternal triangle! One day she warns him, 'if they ever allow farting on television, you'll never leave the house!' One evening he goes to sleep in front of the TV, and 'it' happens. Virtually everything on TV is fart-related, from sitcoms and commercials, to newscasts and dramas."

Monday, June 25, 2018

Cherry Hill High

Joe and Matt slip slide away to the late '70s, when sexy comedies were sexy and comical. I'm not sure we get it. This is the story of five girls who graduate high school, go on a bicycle trip with one of their former teachers, and try to lose their virginity in the most unique way possible. It's got everything you need from a late '70s movie: CB radios, dopey folk-y songs, and adult situations (that are really mild). Download from iTunes or from our fancy embedded player.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


We tried something new. This episode was recorded live and in person and we talked about a TV show instead of movie. Bizarro World, right?

Matt's joined by Joe and Jacob Balcom to discuss one of the oddest sitcoms of the 1980s: Small Wonder, the story of the Lawson family and their little girl robot Vicki, who must be kept secret from the rest of the world, despite talking like a Commodore 64.

We watched the pilot episode and one from season three (!) where Vicki's evil counterpart Vanessa is introduced. It's a wild ride.
Get a free download of Jacob's album So Long Everybody on Bandcamp!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ep49 - The Three Supermen Films Xperiment

Here it is. This is the doozy that led to the extended hiatus. You know how you're not supposed to use a Ouija board by yourself? It turns out, you shouldn't do strenuous psychological, psychotronical experiments on yourself, either. Here's where Matt tried to watch all of the Three Supermen movies (1967-86), one each day, by himself and report his findings. He got in over his head into the world of bulletproof spandex, heists, Europop, and increasingly lousy sequels.
Matt returned and put the results out so that we can move forward, on to regular podcasts with guests and laughter and fun and no deep-hurting....

Get the episode from iTunes or HERE

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Sadman Cometh!

We love Dave Jordan's Sadman web comic. It is absurd, existential, blackly comical, & very cool. Matt woke up with a Sadman strip in his head, so he (crudely) made it and Dave was kind enough to publish it on his site. Make sure to go his page and check out Dave's great stuff.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Matt's been weirdly obsessed with seeing this infamously terrible comedy since it was released. He took advantage of the fact that Thanksgiving is in the plot to make someone watch it with him. Scars add character, right? Download the episode through iTunes or here.

Yes, you will be looking at that face for 90 minutes.

Homelessness: If you can't beat the problem, make fun of the victims in your movie

NEXT UP: We watch an infamous Canadian film from 1989 THINGS.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


The new, belated episode is here. We missed Kyle, but we had a blast talking to our dear friend from the North, Devin Bruce. The Hard Rock Zombies episode is available through iTunes or here (right-click and 'save as').

Devin's other podcasts: Scotch & Comics -The Listmakers! Check them out!

Anything to get out of this movie, eh, bub?
Yeah. No witty caption is going to top the visual here.

Friday, May 16, 2014

O Canada...WTF?!

We discussed 1985's The Peanut Butter Solution, a warped and bizarre "family" film from our neighbors to the north. This is about a kid who got his hair scared off, so the ghosts of some winos he was nice to give him a recipe to make hair restorer...seriously. He overdoes it and becomes a hair-growing machine...then he gets kidnapped. It's weird. Oh, and Celine Dion sings on the soundtrack. Ugh.
You can get the episode on iTunes or download it directly here (right-click and 'save as').

"Apply diarrhea and spittoon-contents liberally directly to scalp"

We'll be watching the Italian godfather of gore Lucio Fulci's fantasy epic CONQUEST...a film that can't possibly live to its poster...or can it?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ep23 - The Gore Gore Girls

On our newest episode, Matt, Kyle, & Scott review 1972's The Gore Gore Girls, the story of a smug, effete criminologist who is paid to solve a series grisly murders and even grislier mutilations of exotic dancers. Skipping soundtracks, gratuitous "nudie" dancing, crude-yet-disturbing mutilations and wicked bad acting are the highlights, er, lowlights of this movie. 
DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click & 'save as')

"What's most annoying about me: my pinky ring, my cane, or that fact I talk down to everyone....hmm, my simple girl?"

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant podcast

The episode is finally here! Joe, Kyle, and Matt discuss the movie and Scott phones his opinion in at the end.

EDIT: Now available on our Libsyn page HERE.

Available for download on our Archive page & on iTunes.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Watch Your Donkey...Smokey's Gonna Getcha!

After we have visited our '80s rock 'n' roll neighbors to the north, we're swinging things back around to the good old U.S. of A. Remember when fads blew up and then disappeared? Remember loving truckers and CBs? What about pet rocks, mood rings, beanbag chairs, man perms, and fondue parties? All great stuff that had its 15 minutes. Our next film focuses on another great American love story: vans...but not just any vans, custom vans. This movie will be a tasty little nugget to blaze on your computer.
P.S. Yes, this is Charles Bukowski wearing a t-shirt that reads "Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy"

You can watch the film HERE!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Well, we almost met our goal of making the episode shorter than the movie. We'll be re-formatting a bit for Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare to make sure the show is closer to an hour in length. The show is embedded in a player in this message, but can also be downloaded from Libsyn HERE and on iTunes. Happy listening and help spread the word by mouth, Twitter, or wherever you go. We appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Grab your bow and your quiver of arrows. Gather every mirror in the house. Snuggle up with a poodle named Chocolate and get ready for our podcast covering THE VIDEO DEAD! It will be published this weekend.

After that, we will have a special episode where we'll be joined by our friend Dave Alluisi to discuss Canucksploitation butt-rock extravaganza Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare.