Showing posts with label independent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label independent. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2020


To Breen, with Love!

As you may already know, we have had a long-standing love affair with the visionary filmmaker, Hollywood outsider, and cinematic maverick that is Neil Breen.

To celebrate the day of his birth, we have served up all of our previous episodes covering offerings from his filmography. To you, Mr. Breen, we raise a can of tuna and hack into a government system!


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sister Tempest (from Joe Badon)

Matt is joined by Kyle and Jacob to discuss the new film from Joe Badon, Sister Tempest. We reviewed his God Inside My Ear back in Ep67 and were chomping at the bit to get back inside his wild, cinematic mind. We discuss the film w/o spoilers in the beginning and provide a spoiler-break point to stop the show, so you can wait until you see it before hearing the whole shebang.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Michael J. Murphy's ATLANTIS

Jacob Balcom and Seth Garon join Matt to talk about Michael J. Murphy's Atlantis, a movie we'd discussed reviewing since we watched Death Run/Mutant City a couple years ago,
Murphy had a sprawling, ambitious vision for his antediluvian saga about the great lost civilization of legend...and a few thousand pounds sterling and a rented psych-hospital outbuilding.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Series Finale: TWISTED PAIR (2018)!!!

Matt is joined by the core TCTT gang: Jacob, Joe, and Kyle to watch & review Neil Breen's 5th film Twisted Pair together for the big 100th episode finale. These 100 episodes have been a blast to create over the last 6.5 years and we want to thank all the wonderful people who gave of their time and sanity to explore the psychotronic world with us. We'll still be kicking around the 'Net and may do something for fun here or there, but for now, it's time to move on. Do us a favor, will ya? Stay trashy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BONUS ep: Horror-enaissance!

The Halloween ep will be here tomorrow, but here's a snippet that was cut for time. Matt and his guest Joseph Dufresne discuss whether or not we're in a renaissance of horror now.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Dragon Hunt

Adam & Kyle return to review DRAGON HUNT, the canuxploitation sequel to TWIN DRAGON ENCOUNTER, sees the villain Jake return w/ a new metal hand & an armada of mercenaries. He wants the heads of Mick & Marty McNamara as revenge for losing the battle (and his hand) to them in the first movie. Ninjas, poachers, beast-masters...oh, my!

Pew! Pew! Aaaahhhhh! Ka-BOOOM!

Sir, has anyone ever told you that you look like W.C. Fields?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Matt, Joe, and Jacob do another in-person episode. This time Matt shared AFTER LAST SEASON and we talked about our feelings afterward. If you haven't seen I guess? You'll know another survivor when you meet them: a glazed look in their eyes, random small talk, and an aversion to '90s computer animation.

Your sculpture makes me want to stab my marshmallow face with an icicle.

Half the movie looks like this...seriously.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New music from Dave Alluisi

Before TCTT, there was a book podcast called The Bookhouse Boys. BBoy Dave Alluisi has just shared an album of his wonderful intimate music. RIYL: Iron & Wine, Elliott Smith, and Leonard Cohen
Check it out.
You may remember Dave was a guest WAAAAY back on our third episode: ROCK 'N' ROLL NIGHTMARE

Monday, February 4, 2019


Matt is joined by Kyle and Adam to discuss the 1986 Canuxploitation martial arts classic TWIN DRAGON ENCOUNTER. Mullets, mustaches, matching vans...SOLD! This movie stars Michael and Martin McNamara, twin kickboxing brothers who produced the film to brand themselves as Canada's answer to Chuck Norris (or the animated version of Rambo).

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Executioner, Part II

Matt is joined by Jesse and John Morgan to discuss this James Bryan (Don't Go Into the Woods Alone) directed, Renee Harmon (Frozen Scream) written bit of vigilante sleaze.
- There is no Part I, by the way.
- I don't think PTSD-sploitation has been officially coined "dibs!"
- Starring Chris Mitchum, Renee Harmon, and Aldo Ray.

Jesse provided a haiku poem:
the grenade slips down 
use the gun, never bullets 
transitions are for punks 

Sunday, September 9, 2018


It's time for another Neil Breen joint! Sarah and Adam are back to talk about Breen's I AM HERE....NOW ('09), wherein Breen plays a messianic character (gasp) who created Earth and its creatures and He's disappointed with what we've done with the place in His absence. This is another corker from the ego-trippin' Las Vegas architect-cum-auteur Neil Breen.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

GETEVEN (a/k/a Road to Revenge, a/k/a Champagne & Bullets)

A classic lineup of Matt, Kyle, and Joe watched the 1993 action-romance-kung fu-revenge movie GETEVEN, written by, directed by, produced by, starring, songs by, and starring John de Hart. This movie didn't get wide release until some re-shoots were done in 2007 and, man, oh, man, was it worth the wait. You've got Satanic drug dealing judges, leather pants, gratuitous sex scenes, and some bananas original songs. We couldn't shut up about this one. Get it on iTunes or HERE.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Back and Breener than ever!

It's been a rough winter, gang, but we're back and ready to share a new cinematic passion: Neil Breen. Fateful Findings is a 2013 movie about a brilliant computer wiz/best-selling author who is about to Wikileak all of the world's dirty secrets...and there's a, uh, black cube..that's, umm...alien? Magical? Well, it's fateful and it's found where a mushroom was and it's got...powers? I'm so in love with this thing, I want to call it and coordinate outfits every morning. If you haven't seen any of his films yet, please, stop what you're doing and go buy or rent ANY of them. They defy explanation and bring us endless joy. Get it here or on iTunes.
You're fake movies...and you're fake movies...

Sunday, January 31, 2016


You may have heard us praise The Wolfman's Hammer, a wonderful indie movie that I've offered as an antidote to more than one movie we've watched for the podcast. The director Brad Elmore has shot a new film, BOOGEYMAN POP, and he's seeking some completion funds to get the film through post-production. Please consider supporting this project. I've read the script. You'll love it.

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Chooper'll Git Ya!

Kyle's back and just in time for a gem from psychotronic auteur Ray Dennis Steckler (doing business here as 'Wolfgang Schmidt' and 'Sven Christan'). Using friends and family and a budget of about $500, Steckler tells a tale of desolation, hopelessness, doom, and a pony named Peanuts. Carol Brandt (played by his then-wife Carolyn Brandt) returns home from...wherever she claim her inheritance: a ranch house with a shack and a water tower. Trouble is, the house has a 150-year-old history of murder and a local businessman wants her to sell.
Download from iTunes or HERE. Enjoy!
I have to admit, I was picturing something a little more stately, Daddy.

I'm going for a James-Dean-in-"Giant" vibe...Is that coming across?

So, uh, I'm the Chooper. Yeah, I know...

Next up: We'll watch legendary SOV horror movie Boardinghouse!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ep23 - The Gore Gore Girls

On our newest episode, Matt, Kyle, & Scott review 1972's The Gore Gore Girls, the story of a smug, effete criminologist who is paid to solve a series grisly murders and even grislier mutilations of exotic dancers. Skipping soundtracks, gratuitous "nudie" dancing, crude-yet-disturbing mutilations and wicked bad acting are the highlights, er, lowlights of this movie. 
DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click & 'save as')

"What's most annoying about me: my pinky ring, my cane, or that fact I talk down to everyone....hmm, my simple girl?"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Enemy Gold...and next at bat!

We had way too much fun discussing Andy Sidaris' bullet-n-boob fest ENEMY GOLD. Please give it a listen and tell us what you think: Libsyn (Right-click to download). You can also find it on iTunes (P.S. we'd love for you to leave a review of the show there, too). Enjoy!
NOTE: We had an issue with our iTunes feed, but it has been corrected. The episode should be available there now, too.

 "Becky, how do you expect to bust up a drug ring with all of those sleeves?!"


Next up: Sir Herschell Gordon Lewis' (a.k.a. "The Godfather of Gore") 1972 splatter-sleaze delight THE GORE GORE GIRLS.

A word of warning, The Gore Gore Girls contains lots of crude violence. It's neither suitable for work or for watching with your family. The FX are juvenile, but still disturbing.

Monday, January 20, 2014

DEADLY PREY! ...and what's next

We were all charmed by this '80s cherry bomb of manly manliness and masculinity...and blowing stuff up.It's available on iTunes and on Libsyn.

Dear Movie-makers,
Unless this happens
someone puts his shoulder back into joint
 or you have Cameron Mitchell,

we are not interested. Thanks!
The That's Cool, That's Trash gang, age 12

The Madmen of Mandoras, more commonly known as THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

BLEEDING SKULL movie guide published

Super-trash site BLEEDING SKULL has published a film guide. It looks really nice and a glance at the The Video Dead review makes me think these guys are simpatico with us. I highly recommend everyone pick one up...and tell 'em "That's Cool, That's Trash!" sent you! Buy it HERE

Friday, September 20, 2013