Showing posts with label psychotronic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychotronic. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021


 We jumped at the chance to participate in the 3rd Hammer-Amicus Blogathon and chose something a little different: Amicus' 1st production from 1962...a musical comedy about the then-popular fad of digging 1920's traditional jazz music.
This was legendary director Richard Lester's (A Hard Day's Night, Help!) film debut. Thankfully, he was smart enough to pepper some pop stars in amongst the Dixieland. With guests Devin Bruce (Apocalypse Kow) and Jacob Balcom.

Check out the Blogathon HERE.







Sunday, June 21, 2020


Kyle & Jacob join Matt to talk about this movie written and directed by and starring Wings Hauser along w/ Linda Blair. Wings plays a drunken ex-LAPD cop in self-imposed exile in Mexico who returns to L.A. seeking answers and revenge after his gay son is brutalized by skinheads.

Monday, June 15, 2020

It's Wings Hauser Month!!! First up: DEAD MAN WALKING (1987)

After Leila, his boss's daughter, is kidnapped by psychopathic plague victim Decker, chauffeur Chazz (Jeffrey Combs) teams up with plague-infected mercenary Luger (Wings Hauser) to penetrate the toxic & off-limits Plague Zone and bring her back alive.

Jason Farrell & Andrew Shaw join Matt to discuss this 'movie.'

Andrew's comics can be found here Cul-de-Sac:
and This Nightmare Kills Fascists:

Stay tuned for more Wings Hauser month as the show ends the revival this month!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Michael J. Murphy's ATLANTIS

Jacob Balcom and Seth Garon join Matt to talk about Michael J. Murphy's Atlantis, a movie we'd discussed reviewing since we watched Death Run/Mutant City a couple years ago,
Murphy had a sprawling, ambitious vision for his antediluvian saga about the great lost civilization of legend...and a few thousand pounds sterling and a rented psych-hospital outbuilding.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Joe & Ben join Matt to talk about a movie starring one of Matt's favorite '70s genre actors: Jim 'Black Belt Jones' Kelly in DEATH DIMENSION, directed by beloved schlockmeister AL ADAMSON. Also featuring Harold 'Odd Job' Sakata & George 'One-n-Done James Bond' Lazenby.
Evil crime-lord "The Pig" aims to sell new freeze-bomb technology to the highest bidder, but Lt. Det. J. Ash aims to put stop to it w/ punches, kicks, and nunchuks.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Vincent Price Blogathon! SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN (1970)

We wanted to participate in the Vincent Price Blogathon this year, so we picked a pulpy sci-fi horror movie from Amicus that was new to us and talked about it with guests Rob Hafferman and Devin Bruce. Vincent is joined by Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, sort of, to tell an odd little tale about body-part farming and composite people in the highest levels of government...sounds familiar.

Devin sings!
Rob paints!

JOIN IN ON THE VINCENT PRICE FUN BY CHECKING OUT SOME OF THE OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS! Check out Cinematic Catharsis and Realweegiemidget Reviews for more!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Rambu (The Intruder)

We're covering Pembalasan Rambu (aka The Intruder, aka Rambu: The Intruder), starring Peter "The Stabilizer" O'Brian, for our next ep. The only version on YouTube was a German dub and that's no fun for us! So, we uploaded an English version and made it private to share with you. Let's see how doing it this way works. Let us know if you have any problems watching or sharing it.

Link: Rambu The Intruder

Sunday, March 29, 2020

TCTT Coronavirus Revival* Is Here!

*For our sanity, we're reviving the show during the pandemic to give us an excuse to talk together and have a much-needed laugh.

Matt is joined by Joe Kincher and Jason Farrell to discuss NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR, an infamous anthology film from 1985 that hacks 3 unrelated feature films into a delirious mess. God and Satan ride a train together and determine the fate of the characters from some weird-ass movie made even more weird-ass by hatchet-job editing. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We're contributing to the Vincent Price Blogathon!

Since we're back and producing content for the people during the pandemic, we jumped at the chance to contribute to The Vincent Price Blogathon. If you're not familiar with the idea, bloggers, podcasters, et al, select a work from Price's vast resume and contribute a review or some other related content. We selected SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN from Amicus Productions, a producer of many of our favorite '60s and '70s horror films. Make sure to check it out on Amazon Prime and make sure to check out some of the other contributions from the blogosphere.

The Return of the Curse of That's Cool, That's Trash's Ghost!

 We hope all of you out there are staying home and staying safe. We've found that we're doing that easily, but staying SANE in these crazy times is another thing altogether. We decided that a fun alternative to watching the news and scrolling through Twitter endlessly would be to revive the show to help with our isolation stress and cabin fever. Hopefully, some new episodes would be a fun diversion for you, too. We're aiming for an episode a week. Some of the upcoming titles are pictured below. Have a title you always wanted us to do? Want to be a guest on the show? Let us know if in the comments below or on Twitter @that_trash

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Series Finale: TWISTED PAIR (2018)!!!

Matt is joined by the core TCTT gang: Jacob, Joe, and Kyle to watch & review Neil Breen's 5th film Twisted Pair together for the big 100th episode finale. These 100 episodes have been a blast to create over the last 6.5 years and we want to thank all the wonderful people who gave of their time and sanity to explore the psychotronic world with us. We'll still be kicking around the 'Net and may do something for fun here or there, but for now, it's time to move on. Do us a favor, will ya? Stay trashy.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The G-g-g-ghosts of TCTT Christmas Past

Our latest episode, Ep99 - Night Killer (1990), is not only our last 'regular' episode, but it's also the last Christmas episode. Yep, it's a movie set during Christmas and lest you think we're reaching, a Christmas gift plays a dramatic role in the story, so we're counting.
We've compiled the Christmas episodes we've done over the years here, to make them easy to find for our listeners who might need a diversion from 'family fun' this season. Happy Holidays to you and have a wonderful New Year! Thank you for listening. We have one finale episode left that will be the original TCTT crew* left to go. After that, we'll finish our Attack of the Mushroom People riff and give that away and then close up shop for the foreseeable future. Cheers!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Night Killer (1990)

John Morgan and Ben McClure return to talk about NIGHT KILLER by "Clyde Anderson" (Claudio Fragasso), an erotic psycho-thriller with some Bruno Mattei slasher inserts added after the fact. Peter Hooten (Orca & the TV pilot for Dr. Strange) gives a fevered performance that is something to behold, but the whole film is a wild ride!

"Naw, see...if it were strep, there'd be little white patches in there."

There's something familiar about this Federico Kruegerrio character...

Monday, October 28, 2019

The final TCTT Halloween Mix is here!

The previous Halloween mixes have always been popular episodes, so we're pleased to offer up the last one before we close shop. Thanks for all the support and have a happy Halloween.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BONUS ep: Horror-enaissance!

The Halloween ep will be here tomorrow, but here's a snippet that was cut for time. Matt and his guest Joseph Dufresne discuss whether or not we're in a renaissance of horror now.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Matt Mair Lowery's LIFEFORMED & Fred Olen Ray's ALIEN DEAD

Matt is joined by Matt Mair Lowery, writer of Dark Horse Comics' LIFEFORMED, and Jason Farrell to talk about Matt's 2nd volume of his YA alien invasion opus and all things comics...and Fred Olen Ray's 1980 cinematic train wreck ALIEN DEAD, where a houseboat in a Florida Swamp meets a meteorite that creates flesh-eating zombies...that look like last-minute Halloween costumes. We've said it before and we'll say it again: ED WOOD GOT SCREWED!

Matt Mair Lowery's LIFEFORMED comic.

Jason Farrell's DOUGLAS & DRAGONS, an actual-play Pathfinder podcast

Emperor *there* was a villain, not this greasepaint rinky-dink horseshit here

"I can haz Lynyrd Skynyrd album?"

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ep94 - Howling: New Moon Rising (1995)

We had regular guests Joe Kincher & Jacob Balcom and their wives Jolie and Alicia join us for dinner and screening of Howling: New Moon Rising (a.k.a. Howling 7), a film by writer-producer-director-star Clive Turner.
After we finished the film, we tried to make sense of it. It takes place in Pioneertown, CA, and takes place in Pappy + Harriet's western saloon. There's footage from other Howling films, and two guys working for the church to stop the lycanthropic curse...we think. This was a mess.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Separating the ART from the ARTIST: Clownhouse (1988)

Jason Farrell and Joe Kincher join us to discuss Victor Salva, the director of Clownhouse, who was convicted for raping the child star this film from 1988, and how and why he has continued to have a film-making career over the last 30 years. This was a springboard to a larger discussion about the matter of separating the art from the artist.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Lady Street Fighter (1981)

Matt tries to make sense of James Bryan & Renee Harmon's glorious grindhouse mess LADY STREET FIGHTER with guests John Morgan (a decorated TCTT veteran of Bryan/Harmon's THE EXECUTIONER, PART II) and first-time guest Ben. We had a blast picking up the pieces of our minds.

Support the amazing work the AMERICAN GENRE FILM ARCHIVE is doing! Purchase the LADY STREET FIGHTER/REVENGE OF LADY STREET FIGHTER double fetaure Blu-Ray HERE and keep America strong!

Friday, June 7, 2019

WINGS HAUSER 2019: Street Asylum

Our 2nd annual Wings Hauser Month starts with a bang:
Jacob Balcom and Joe Kincher are back to discuss STREET ASYLUM: a quasi sci-fi tale about b-modded cops wilding out on the criminal scum of the not-at-all-future L.A.Featuring Nixon Watergate thug G. Gordon Liddy as a fascist ex-police running for mayor.

In Portland? Check out Joe's show at SUM Gallery:

Have ears? Check out Jacob's album: