Showing posts with label survivors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survivors. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2019

Night Killer (1990)

John Morgan and Ben McClure return to talk about NIGHT KILLER by "Clyde Anderson" (Claudio Fragasso), an erotic psycho-thriller with some Bruno Mattei slasher inserts added after the fact. Peter Hooten (Orca & the TV pilot for Dr. Strange) gives a fevered performance that is something to behold, but the whole film is a wild ride!

"Naw, see...if it were strep, there'd be little white patches in there."

There's something familiar about this Federico Kruegerrio character...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


It's been a whole month since we published an episode. If it makes you feel any better, we've been slaving away on the new Rifftrax iRiff, so we have most definitely NOT been idle. That should be out in the next few days. In the meantime, we chatted about Michael Stanley's '85 Attack of the Beast Creatures. What Jaws did for swimming at the beach this did for going on luxury cruise liners in 1920....I still shudder every time I book a trans-Atlantic cruise for '20. Brrrr......
Also, Scott talks a bit about the Siberian yeti attack of 1959 (I kept that bit in just for you all).

Get the episode on iTunes or HERE. (Right-click to save)

Seriously, how were these not the boy equivalent of Cabbage Patch Dolls when this was released? Oh, yeah, 'cause no one saw this...

This has Downton Abbey beat for lush period piece, right?