Friday, September 14, 2018

GHOSTS OF HANLEY HOUSE part 2 of 3 now on YouTube!

Please enjoy the continuation of the Hanley House riff. As a reminder, folks who subscribe to our feed got this earlier and got their own keepsake file to put in the vault along with their slabbed Spawn #1 and Trump coins.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


It's time for another Neil Breen joint! Sarah and Adam are back to talk about Breen's I AM HERE....NOW ('09), wherein Breen plays a messianic character (gasp) who created Earth and its creatures and He's disappointed with what we've done with the place in His absence. This is another corker from the ego-trippin' Las Vegas architect-cum-auteur Neil Breen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Here's the first episode. This was published first through our podcast feed, so subscribe to get early access to movie riff content like this in the, as a podcast, you get to keep the file. You can do a couple of things for us: SHARE this wherever you think it might be enjoyed and FEEDBACK in the comments here or in our Twitter feed about if you enjoyed this, if you'd like more mini-riffs in the future, or any other thoughts or suggestions you have. Thanks and spread the link.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Psssst! Hey, kid! C'mere! We just put a special treat in our podcast feed as a thank-you to our subscribers. The rest-a you schmoes will have to wait until it comes out Tuesday. THANK YOU for your support! Feed back at us! Tell yr friends!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

F.A.R.T.: The Movie

It's been quiet here this summer, huh? We're still high on Wings Hauser month. There are lots of irons in the fire and some great stuff coming down the pike, including a movie riff coming out in 3 parts as a vidcast: Ghosts of Hanley House In the meantime, Joe and Jason joined Matt and his wife Renee for some homemade chili and an endurance challenge: who will be the last to tap out during the SOV POS F.A.R.T.: The Movie? "Russell has two passions: watching television and farting! He also loves Heather. Heather HATES farting. The eternal triangle! One day she warns him, 'if they ever allow farting on television, you'll never leave the house!' One evening he goes to sleep in front of the TV, and 'it' happens. Virtually everything on TV is fart-related, from sitcoms and commercials, to newscasts and dramas."

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


We have officially decreed it: June is Wings Hauser month! Last year, we embarked on a podcrawl of the SUBSPECIES movies. This time around, we're exploring the filmography of Wings, who we were so taken with on our recent GETEVEN: ROAD TO REVENGE episode. We stuck with that movie's early '90s satanic panic theme and watched MIND, BODY & SOUL (1992), starring Ginger Lynn Allen. We'll be sharing the other podcast's episode as they're available.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Cherry Hill High

Joe and Matt slip slide away to the late '70s, when sexy comedies were sexy and comical. I'm not sure we get it. This is the story of five girls who graduate high school, go on a bicycle trip with one of their former teachers, and try to lose their virginity in the most unique way possible. It's got everything you need from a late '70s movie: CB radios, dopey folk-y songs, and adult situations (that are really mild). Download from iTunes or from our fancy embedded player.