Sunday, April 28, 2019


Jason Farrell and Joey Cruz join Matt to celebrate Walpurgisnacht/Hexennacht (or what we just call 'Halloween in April') by watching Hack-o'-Lantern a much sought-after VHS horror flick starring Hy Pyke as the satanic pumpkin-farming grandfather of the Drindle family. It's Halloween Night and Grandpa's been grooming grandson Tommy to dedicate his life to the Dark One (like a Satanic confirmation?). Meanwhile, someone in the coven's robes wearing a mask is dispatching folks, willy-nilly.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

TCTT Goes A*P*E at the Movies!

TCTT goes to the movies! Joined by JB from The Broken Plane Podcast, we ventured out to Joy Cinema to see A*P*E, a 3-D quickie aimed at beating Dino De Laurentiis' big-budget and much-hyped remake of KING KONG to the screen.
Shot in South Korea on a budget of $23,000 in 14 days, this one doesn't quite measure up to the Jeff Bridges one, but does that one have King Kong flipping the camera off? No, I didn't think so. How many 3-D snakes are thrown at and knock over the camera in that one

? Zero? Hard pass.

Monday, March 25, 2019


Matt is joined by Jacob Balcom and his cousin Seth Garon to discuss Michael J. Murphy's DEATH RUN. If Jacob were writing for TV Guide, his description would read "The grown-up kid from H.R. Pufnstuf and his girlfriend wake up in post-apocalyptic England to fight a Nazi and cannibals." Do we need to say more about this super-8 doozy?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Weng Weng in D'Wild Wild Weng!

Matt is joined by Gordie Adams and Rolito Galagate to discuss D'Wild Wild Weng, a western comedy adventure starring the 2' 9" martial arts film star of the Philippines Weng Weng. Mr. Weng and Gordon are sent to the Mexican region of the Philippines to investigate the death of the mayor of Santa Monica, a town that has been taken over by the evil Sebastian and his horde of Mexican stereotypes along with Ku Manchu and his samurai (ninjas).


Gordie podcasts, too. Check out his Gordcast.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


We've begun quietly sharing that we're retiring the show after Ep100.

We love doing it, but the time demands for selecting guests & scheduling recordings have become a bit too much. We should have hired an intern!

We're considering Ep85-100 our final "season" and looking forward to going out with a bang. We’ll be giving away some goodies, printing a small batch of shirts for guest gifts, and taking movie requests. 

So, let us know if there's a movie you'd like to hear us cover or a guest you'd like to have come on (or return to) the show, either in the comments or @thats_trash.

We appreciate each and every listener out there and hope you’ve enjoyed listening as much as we’ve loved talking about these movies over the years.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Matt, Joe, and Jacob do another in-person episode. This time Matt shared AFTER LAST SEASON and we talked about our feelings afterward. If you haven't seen I guess? You'll know another survivor when you meet them: a glazed look in their eyes, random small talk, and an aversion to '90s computer animation.

Your sculpture makes me want to stab my marshmallow face with an icicle.

Half the movie looks like this...seriously.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New music from Dave Alluisi

Before TCTT, there was a book podcast called The Bookhouse Boys. BBoy Dave Alluisi has just shared an album of his wonderful intimate music. RIYL: Iron & Wine, Elliott Smith, and Leonard Cohen
Check it out.
You may remember Dave was a guest WAAAAY back on our third episode: ROCK 'N' ROLL NIGHTMARE