Friday, July 18, 2014


The Boardinghouse episode is now available. You can get it through iTunes or download it from HERE (right-click & 'save as'). Enjoy!
Jim is an unusual boss and his hobbies make performance reviews a little uncomfortable.
Lita Ford called...she wants her...everything back.

 Next up is a little Italian cheese from the wave of Raiders of the Lost Ark rip-offs. This film was also made during the 3-D movie boom of the early '80s. We're watching it in 3-D and you can, too! What, you don't have RED/CYAN glasses? This manufacturer will send a free pair for the cost of a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) and a stamped envelope to send it in. FREE 3-D GLASSES!

Watch the movie in 3-D HERE
or in boring old 2-D HERE

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Good Times in the Riff Factory

You ever wonder how your sausage was made? Here's a glimpse behind the curtain of our riffing magic: we use microphones, timecode, iPads, headphones, and 'puters to mate the wonderfully bad movies we watch with the jokes they engender. We hope you enjoy their demon spawn.
(L to R) Matt, Joe, Kyle

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Chooper'll Git Ya!

Kyle's back and just in time for a gem from psychotronic auteur Ray Dennis Steckler (doing business here as 'Wolfgang Schmidt' and 'Sven Christan'). Using friends and family and a budget of about $500, Steckler tells a tale of desolation, hopelessness, doom, and a pony named Peanuts. Carol Brandt (played by his then-wife Carolyn Brandt) returns home from...wherever she claim her inheritance: a ranch house with a shack and a water tower. Trouble is, the house has a 150-year-old history of murder and a local businessman wants her to sell.
Download from iTunes or HERE. Enjoy!
I have to admit, I was picturing something a little more stately, Daddy.

I'm going for a James-Dean-in-"Giant" vibe...Is that coming across?

So, uh, I'm the Chooper. Yeah, I know...

Next up: We'll watch legendary SOV horror movie Boardinghouse!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


The new, belated episode is here. We missed Kyle, but we had a blast talking to our dear friend from the North, Devin Bruce. The Hard Rock Zombies episode is available through iTunes or here (right-click and 'save as').

Devin's other podcasts: Scotch & Comics -The Listmakers! Check them out!

Anything to get out of this movie, eh, bub?
Yeah. No witty caption is going to top the visual here.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day from the TCTT crew to all you dads out there!

Hope you have a great day and that you get that cake!!!
Where's my cake?!?!

Don't make me come back there...with an axe!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Upcoming riff & contest

To promote our newly released Invasion of the Bee Girls riff, we're having a contest to win a copy of our next riff The Ghosts of Hanley House FOR FREE! 

There are 2 easy ways to enter and multiple entries are accepted:
1. Leave feedback on the Bee Girls Rifftrax page. This counts as 3 entries in the pot.
2. After that, any tweets about the riff w/ links to the address ( will be treated as additional entries (be sure to include @thats_trash in the tweet, so we see it!)
3. That's it! We'll draw names from all of the entries (here's where multiple tweets give you an edge) and a few lucky winners will get free copies of our next riff.

No sweat, right? So leave some feedback and tweet yr stingers off to win some free stuff!
*bath salts, brown acid, and whatever the hell else she's on are not included

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The new iRiff is here!!!

It took a little longer than we expected, but the wait is, in our opinion, totally worth it. People talk about 'sophomore slumps,' we're thinking this is a 'sophomore slam'! You can get the riff HERE. We don't want to beg, but we would really appreciate feedback left on the Rifftrax site. We're going to put our cap back on our heads now. Thanks!

I'll see YOU at!