Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Sadman Cometh!

We love Dave Jordan's Sadman web comic. It is absurd, existential, blackly comical, & very cool. Matt woke up with a Sadman strip in his head, so he (crudely) made it and Dave was kind enough to publish it on his site. Make sure to go his page and check out Dave's great stuff.

Friday, April 10, 2015


So, if I get a time machine and kill them, I can prevent the Power Rangers from happening?

The subtle, understated use of color in '80s clothing. I don't miss it.
Scott & I discussed the '86 Hong Kong kids' movie LUCKY SEVEN. Think Little Rascals meets Goonies meets Benny Hill or something. I don't know. Download it here.

NEXT UP: We are pushing #halloweenInApril HARD! If you tweet, start promoting this new holiday. There are virtually two Christmases now. Let's have 2 interesting holidays in the year, too! For our part, we'll be bringing the scary with 1981's The Pit. Join us! One of us! One of us!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wisconsin's answer to Flashdance: BLOODBEAT!

Available through iTunes or for download here.
Scott and Matt discuss this muddled slasher, Samurai, Wisconsin deer hunting flick. Can you explain what happened to us? We'd love to hear your explanation!
"By the power of Joyce DeWitt!"

I cannot stress enough the importance of a fiber-rich diet.

Every art teacher in the early '80s EVER...

NEXT UP: Scott is very excited about 1986's LUCKY SEVEN. I hope you have fluoride, because this thing looks sickly sweet and cute and annoying as all hell.

Monday, March 16, 2015

From Italy with Lasers...STAR CRASH!

Matt & Scott are joined by artist and raconteur Rob to discuss a slab of Asiago meant to capitalize on the success of Star Wars. The C-3P0 analog sounds like a cartoon cowboy! Stop-motion robots! Perms!
The always-delectable Caroline Munro stars with former child preacher Marjoe Gortner, David Hasselhoff and Christopher Plummer. Available on iTunes or from HERE.
"I got yr copyright infringement right HERE, pal!"

"Heineken?! F@#k that s&$t! PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!"

I know which one I'd rather snuggle up with on a cold night!

NEXT UP: We'll be discussing the 1983 samurai/slasher/possession horror film Blood Beat. Join us!

Friday, February 27, 2015


We discuss THE SINFUL DWARF. You can get it through iTunes or here.
This is this guy at about a 7. Like somebody filled Jack Black full of blow and put him in a trash compactor.

"I can't seem to get these toys to make baby-toys, no matter how much I mate them!"

Ugh, now you've put me off fruit.

NEXT TIME: We discuss Star Wars knockoff STAR CRASH with our pal Rob.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

SNEAK PEEK at Upcoming Features...

Want to get a jump on our upcoming podcast movies? No problem. We're letting you behind the curtain...

First up, a new movie riffed by Matt, Joe, & Scott starring WILD GUITAR starring Arch Jall, Jr.


there's David Hasselhoff & the lovely Caroline Munro in STAR CRASH...

Samurai sexual strangeness with BLOOD BEAT...

And the revenge exploitation of DEADLY WEAPONS!